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Massoud Furniture

We're not the usual furniture manufacturer. In fact, you might say that’s our defining characteristic. We’re different. Surprising. That’s the main thing “about us.” So what’s the difference?

We’re family-owned-and-operated. Not many of our competitors can say that. And the personal attention that a family gives its own business has made a real difference. 60 years of excellence have proven that again and again.

But even a family’s dedication isn’t enough. Skill is needed, too. Fortunately C. E. Massoud had a strong business background, plus a business education at S.M.U. Chuck Massoud has a business degree, also from S.M.U., as well as the experience he gained working in real estate and banking after graduation. So when he joined his father, he brought a wealth of assets along with him, including a lifetime growing up in the business itself.